Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Relationship Mirrors Dance

A relationship is like a ballroom dance. The dance floor provides the setting while the music creates the passion for the union. People meet, fall in love, unite together and harmonise to the same piece of music. Over time, they become more comfortable with each other and create a routine that suits both of them.

In dance, the man leads while the woman follows. For a relationship to be successful, the man has to play a dominant role while the woman plays a supporting role. Even if the woman is a high flyer, she tends to be attracted to a strong, successful and dominant man. When I describe a man as dominant, I am referring to a decisive and responsible man who takes charge and not a chauvinistic one. Secretly, women love to be submissive and love it when a man takes charge and gets things done in an efficient manner. I do not deny that occasionally you will find a high-heeled, whip-bearing dominatrix, but generally, most women like to be led.

Men and women are different, and they play different roles in a relationship. Since the 20th century, the man plays the role of a provider and protector while the woman plays the soft, nurturing and submissive role. For a relationship to work, one must play the dominant role while the other must play the supporting role. Two strong characters will lead to constant bickering and disputes, while two submissive characters will lead to boredom in a relationship. Therefore, one person must take the lead. This 'lead and follow' theory is also the key to getting two partners to dance smoothly together,

Mutual respect and understanding are crucial. Both parties must constantly communicate and ensure that they have the same vision and goals in the relationship.Similarly, in dance, it is simply impossible for two persons dancing in close contact to move as one if they are dancing to their own timing and doing their steps independently.

In dance, neither party should force or demand their partner to move in a certain way. Although they are dancing together, they are still two different individuals who have found a connection with each other and the dance is the beautiful and adroit expression of this connection. In relationship, both partners should also respect each other’s opinion and should not expect their partner to behave or act in a particular way.

While dancing, you may fall or lose your balance. This may be due to lack of focus or concentration. Your partner can offer help and both of you can continue dancing and working on perfecting the steps. At times, you may fall too hard that it is difficult to stand up to dance with the same partner again. In a relationship, we may neglect our partner due to work, stress or lack of communication, leading to estrangement in the relationship. The problems can be resolved if both parties work hard to resolve the issues.

In some cases, one person may develop a dancing style of his own and find that he is unable to synchronise with his partner anymore. He will then end the partnership and look for other suitable partners. In relationship, couples sometimes drift apart over time and feel that they are unable to connect with their current partner anymore. The passion is lost and they will then go their separate ways.

Relationship is similar to dance in many ways. Some are afraid to take the plunge as they are unsure of where this dance will lead them to. I feel it is important not to worry about the end result. Just enjoy the dance… flow with the music…. feel the rhythm and see where it eventually takes you to.

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